Coverings for Walls and Ceilings
Coverings for walls and ceilings are a decorative solution for any style, from the most modern to classic. They are also an excellent resource with which to cover any imperfections of the wall.
There is a wide variety of finishes, from melamine to leather, and also different sizes to get that unique space that you are looking for.
The coverings have technical features that promote thermal insulation and soundproofing walls, for the latter is necessary to use fibers between the liner and the wall.
Installation and Maintenance
This type of product is made considering a quick and easy installation. They are also materials that require little maintenance and are very easy to clean.
The Coverings are often used to hide walls that periodically suffer from moisture. It is indicated. The wood coverings are manufactured to withstand moisture, however it is advisable to treat the wall to minimize the problem.
Additional elements
We have all the additional elements to achieve the best result: angular, baseboards, cornices, finials, angles, battens, etc.Ecologic raw materials
We are distributors of coverings made from a high percentage of wood, a completely renewable and ecological material, obtained only environmentally responsible explotations.